A Good Friend, An Old Piano & Sunlight // Portrait Session

Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul.
— Wassily Kandinsky

I have been sitting on these images for a while, but for now just a few little peeks.

I have had the privilege to be working hand in hand with one of my friends who, by the way just happens to be an amazing artist and songwriter, on her brand and new album coming out soon. what could be better than an old piano and sunlight for the cover?

I cant get over how much I ADORE these images. To me they speak volumes of how life is with the Lord. This piano is the perfect example of how we age and grow older in this life, sometimes taking on some scarring. But in the end the Lord shows us amazing grace and allows beautiful music to come out and bless those around us.

More images coming soon!